New Distributors Announced for the U.S. Eastern Region / Mid-Atlantic Territory

We are excited to announce that long-term Corian® Design Distribution partners are expanding their coverage and will be the new distributors for the Eastern Region / Mid-Atlantic territory (formerly covered by C.H. Briggs). 


  • New York City and New Jersey: Parksite Inc. – NY/NJ

  • Delaware, Eastern Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington D.C., and West Virginia: Ohio Valley Supply Company

  • Tennessee: H.J. Oldenkamp Co.

  • Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina: Hallmark Building Supplies Inc.


As many have heard, C.H. Briggs is no longer a Corian® Design authorized distributor. Their departure left a temporary gap in coverage in the territory; we realize that this created challenges in the market. We are excited that moving forward the Eastern Region will be covered by trusted distribution partners with a history of delivering outstanding service and supply. Corian® Design production is strong and there is product available. 

Please note that no other markets are impacted by this change. If you are currently supplied by one of our other distributors, there is no change to your service model. 


Parksite, Inc. - New York / New Jersey
(800) 237-0229

If you need samples, please go to ( A&Ds and Specifiers will need to register for a commercial account. All others (Fabricators, Retailers, Builders etc.) should send an email to

Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to reach out to DuPont Contact Center at 1-800-426-7426.

Additional information on our current distributors can be found here:

Thank you for your continued support and loyalty.